We are very much appreciating and enjoying the sabbatical. The Canadian – New England cruise was unbelievable. On a personal note, it was very meaningful to me since my ancestry goes back to the 1600’s through several lines of “great-great grandparents” that sailed these very coastal waters that we have now sailed.
My first thoughts on the May segment of the sabbatical can be boiled down to a few things. I have not missed meetings but I have missed the people and I have not missed sermon preparation (I thought I might) but have missed preaching. The freedom of the sabbatical has allowed us to enjoy reading more broadly. Also we have attended Jewish and Episcopalian services that we found very interesting. I have also appreciated having the extra time to write down a few thoughts for a story book am I writing for my grandkids.
The sabbatical has had a couple of surprises. I was more physically tired than I realized and it has been beneficial to relax and get some extra rest. I was also surprised how regimented and clock driven my life had become and how difficult it has been to get away from waking up and to automatically just start planning my day around sermon preperation, other people’s life needs, the regular mentoring and counseling times, and the normal ministry leadership meetings.
I have not been involved in as much physical exercise as I had wanted, but anticipate the next few weeks in the Rockies to be able to do “my walks”. Until the last two years I had always set aside time each summer for several 15-20 mile “day walks”. Since my choice not to walk in the cold this past winter, I have had some preparation to do but am really looking forward to a few “day walks” during June. We are heading to the Rockies for two weeks before Toni's next infusion. Thanks for your prayers!
Have Read:
· In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex by Nathaniel Philbrick
· Sea of Glory: The U.S. Navel Exploring Expedition 1838-1842 by Nathaniel Philbrick
· The Reformation Era by Robert D. Linder
· Extreme Grandparenting, by Tim Kimmel
· Leadership Secrets of Billy Graham by Myra and Shelly
· China: Inside the Dragon by National Geographic
· Quiet Strength by Tony Dungy
Doing Readings In the Gospel of Mark:
· Geneva Bible 1599 by Gary DeMar
· The New Testament Octapla by Luther A Weigle, Tyndale-1526, Great-1539, Geneva-1560, Bishops-1568, Douay-Rheims-1582, AV-1611
Have Listened To:
· Classics of the Christian Faith by Max McLean: Augustine’s, Conversion; Luther’s, Here I Stand; Jonathan Edwards’, Sinners in the hands of an angry God; George Whitefield’s, The Method of Grace · The Secret Garden